And just like that it’s the last week!

This week is just like all the others really. We had product cafe on monday, bug triage on wednesday. It’s become a bit of a routine so it’s weird that it’s the last time. We had a couple more meetings with folks too. We got to talk to Chloe, who does UI! Her work is wonderful and I was curious how she got to be here. She told us about her career and made sure we knew that the most important thing is putting yourself out there. It’s kinda scary to do but you never know what’ll come of it! I’m trying to keep that in mind. Now that I’m thinking about it I should have asked her more practical things about UI since I’m not all that good at it. How do you know what size to make things! I still don’t know. I’ve been admiring her work, and I think everyone will appreciate it when they get their hands on the app.

We had a meeting with the OPS team too. They’re kind of a mystery to me even now. I guess they’re like marketing? They sort of connect the technical nerd stuff to the rest of the world? Seems like they work with lots of people! They also work on stuff like video, voice recording  and merchandise. It must take a lot of work to keep organised! It was interesting to hear from them and get to see a little bit of what they do. 

I’m so grateful to everyone who’s given their time to talk to us about their careers and imparting their wisdom. I’ve learned a lot in these short six weeks. It’s been an amazing experience and I’m so glad I got to do it! I remember not being sure I would even apply, since I was busy and we had to submit a video application which is not my favourite. (Listening to my own voice? No thanks.) Now I’m super glad that I did, and I’m grateful I was accepted! 

If you’re in undergrad I would fully recommend grabbing at any opportunity you get! Especially if you’re a marginalised person. It can be extra scary doing things but we need good people to get opportunities like this! So make sure you try! 

Everyone at Fictioneers has been so lovely and welcoming. I think it’s helped build my confidence, getting a little peek into the industry. It’s not as scary as you might think. Everyone has said the same too; that networking is key! I was fully aware that the games industry can be a bit insular and it’s important to know people. While I’m not sure that’s good it is how it is, luckily the people we met were so keen to talk to us and friendly too. I think now I can be a bit more confident about talking to people in the industry, we’re all the same really. Just, doing our best. 

As messy as my schedule has been, and as tired as I am, I wouldn’t trade this opportunity. It’s been such a wonderful experience. I’ve enjoyed working on it, and we’ve been told we can keep doing so if and when we want. I’m gonna keep testing every so often, and I can’t wait to see the finished release! (Or at least the release, I don’t think apps are ever really finished) I’m excited to see when Fictioneers does next too! Every little glimpse of their work has been so interesting! 

I guess this is it for now! See ya later, stay safe everyone!