​This week we welcomed Chey and Dafydd to the intern team! It’s been great to have some fresh faces and also see them experience everything Dan and I experienced only a couple of weeks ago. How time flies!

After having had more experience testing the game, on Monday’s product cafe session Dan and I were much more involved in the meeting. Dan made some good points around terminology used in the app and how certain phrases may be perceived in the wrong context. I asked some questions about a certain part of the experience and mentioned how we interns spent more time in this section. 

It was interesting to see that what we found out in last week’s catch up session with the design team - that the design staff don’t use that area much when testing - was also true for the staff attending the ‘product café’ session. So, it will be very interesting to find out how much time the new interns spend in this section of the app and see if there really is a correlation.

​This week was also our second sprint review. Personally, this was one of the highlights of the week, as the progression from that last sprint review, only a fortnight prior, was outstanding! The app has developed so much in that short span of time. I have to give a particular shout out to the Art Assets team for having done such a high volume of work, and I can’t wait to see it implemented in future updates. Although the internship has a focus on the gameplay aspects of the app, I really enjoy hearing from the Operations team and learning about the marketing side of things. It’s exciting to know about celebrities being asked to voice act certain characters and also learn about possible partnership deals, which will help to promote the product.

It’s been incredible to be so involved with Fictioneers and to experience the process of ground-breaking app development, especially in the midst of a pandemic. I did some work experience at the beginning of the year and had hoped to return to that company in the summer for further experience, but unfortunately was unable due to the Coronavirus. So, this internship has been such a fantastic opportunity that I’m lucky to be a part of. The whole team has adapted so efficiently to the change of working environment and because of team meetings like the sprint review being done virtually I’ve met such a wide range of staff members, who I may not have otherwise met if the internship had been carried out in person.

As we had a sprint review this week it also meant we got to attend the Design team’s own personal sprint review. It was interesting to see what they had achieved in more detail and how they organised the incoming and ongoing jobs, working towards the future sprint review. This week there was a reset of the timeline and lots of new features had been added, so it was cool to see the in-app notifications the Design team created being implemented. The Design team are also handling user experience research with testing sessions. Hopefully in the upcoming weeks we will be able to sit in on interviews with actual game testers and learn about their experience with the app, whilst also taking note of how this type of user feedback is collected in a professional industry standard way.

With more implemented in the app and frequent updates I’m sure there will be more bugs to find and suggestions to be made, so check back in next week to see how my intern adventure advances!

-Bright Spark Apprentice Chloe

​This week we welcomed Chey and Dafydd to the intern team! It’s been great to have some fresh faces and also see them experience everything Dan and I experienced only a couple of weeks ago. How time flies!